Solo Exhibitions
2005: “Time & the Tabletop” Queens College Art Center, Flushing, NY
2004: “Selected Paintings 1963-2003” Mitchell Algus Gallery,
New York, NY
1988: Contemporary Realist Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1986: Armstrong Gallery, New York
1984: “The Vault Series” Armstrong Gallery, New York, NY
1982: “The Vault Series” The Queens Museum, Flushing, NY
1979: William & Mary College, Williamsburg, VA
1979: Forum Gallery, New York, NY
1976: “ “ “ “
1972: “ “ “ “
1969: “ “ “ “
1969: Owen Gallery, Denver, CO
1968: Forum Gallery, New York, NY
1967: Durlacher Bros., New York, NY
1964: “ “ “ “
1964: Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
1962: Robert Isaacson Gallery, New York, NY
Selected Group Exhibitions
2008: “Five Views to the Landscape” Riverrun Gallery,
Lambertville, NJ
2008: “An Exhibition of East Coast Landscapes”
Fieldstone Gallery, Ramsey, NJ
2002: “Summer Exhibit” Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York, NY
1996: “National Academy of Design, New York, NY
1996: Gremillion & Co., Houston, TX
1992: Lillian Heidenberg Gallery, New York, NY
1990: “Objects Observed” Gallery Henoch, New York, NY
1989: Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio
1989: “University & the Arts” Wayne State University,
Detroit, Michigan
1988: National Academy of Design, New York, NY
1987: “Visions of America” ACA Gallery, New York, NY
1987: “American Art Today” Florida International University,
Miami, FL
1986 “Movietone Muse” One Penn Plaza, New York, NY
1985 “Survival of the Fittest” Ingber Gallery, New York, NY
1985: Art Institute of Boston, Boston, MA
1985: Minneapolis College of Art, Minneapolis, MN
1984 “9 Realist Painters Revisited” Robert Schoelkopf Gallery,
New York, NY
1983: “Painting New York” Museum of the City of New York,
New York, NY
1983: “The Figure Observed” University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
1979: “Things Seen” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
1978: American Academy of Arts & Letters, New York, NY
1976: “American Art Today” University of Virginia Museum of Art
1976: “This Land is My Land” New Jersey State Museum,
Trenton, NJ
1976: “American Family Portraits” Philadelphia Museum of Art
1976: “Liturgical Arts” The Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA
1976: “Urban Aesthetics” The Queens Museum, Flushing, NY
1975: “Candid Painting” DeCordoba Museum, Boston, MA
1975: “Portrait Painting” Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York, NY
1974: “Aspects of the Figure” Cleveland Museum of Art,
Cleveland, OH
1974: “Living American Artists & The Figure”
University of Pennsylvania
1974: The Figure in Recent American Painting“
Westminster College
1973: “A Sense of Place” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
1973: “The Realist Revival” NYC Cultural Center
1973: “American Realist Painting” Espace Cardi, Paris, France
1972: “Painters of Land & Sky, Colgate University
1970: “22 Realists” Whitney Museum, New York, NY
1970: “Paintings From the Photo” Riverside Museum, New York, NY
1970: “New-Realism” St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, MN
1967: “Environment” Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, NY
1965 “Contemporaries 1” Gallery of Modern Art, New York, NY
1965: “The Painter & the Photograph” University of New Mexico
1964: “Modern Realism & Surrealism” American Federation of Arts
1963: “Pennsylvania Academy Annual”
1963: “9 Realist Painters” Robert Schoelkopf Gallery, New York, NY
1963: “Corcoran Biennial” Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC |